Dance of Darkness: Meme Stonk Section


First, come to the sources for my absurd arguments: 

Dark pool data glitch: 

GME Before Halts:



Beginning with the magnitude of 1 of these dark pools that "glitched" into existence; the TD dark pools. As you can see respectively for 4.6 bill synthetic shares (floats only 450 mil for AMC) and 630 mill synthetic shares for GME (float is 45.3 mill according to yahoo finance:

As you can in the dark pool specific data, this would roughly be 10.22x float in one dark pool for AMC, and 13.91 x float for GME. Now recall, I said this list is important right; Moving forward I'd like to propose the idea that the TD dark pool may not be the only dark pool with a similar float count (we will continue to use data with sources going forward, to speculate), keep that question at the back of your mind, we'll address it moving forward.

This section will go as follows: i) relating memestonk and CDO dark pools ii) consequences of delaying the squeeze and their financial war crimes, iii) Intent of Institutions going long iv) there being more than one dark pool.

As stated; dark pools are designed to hide institutional intent, lack transparency hide from the eye of the authorities, retail investors, and the general public. This allows them to manufacture synthetic shares in peace without having it be public knowledge that the retail investor could track, as well the insurance companies (because how dare you want market integrity and transparency right?). Once manufactured, synthetic shares are taken from the dark pools and dumped on the open exchanges through a naked short, then shorted driving the supply up and price down, diluting the stock. They use dark pools to bypass their illegal naked shorting; thus, dark pools lack transparency. 

As such, memestonk dark pools are not so dissimilar from the CDO and swap dark pools. Both are being used to hide financial instruments that will change finances forever. As such, if you hold shares of meme stocks, you hold insurance against the financial landscape changing. As such the average ape, you heard me right, holds a swap (Credit Default Swap; CDS). The shorts hold the CDO's. Similarly, I believe you can expect a massive gain if you hold these meme stocks as insurance policies; similar to 2008 (,; furthermore the media and the "sophisticated" investors are currently laughing at you right now; the same way it happened in 2008 until housing market collapsed, similarly you will have the last laugh when this squeezes. 

Now let us have a checklist, between 2008 and now: 

i) dark pools hold crucial financial securities that will determine how the market will function: check

ii) Media and "sophisticated" investors are advising retail to invest in other stocks other than meme stocks (CDS's): check

iii) Market at an all-time high: Check

iv) Gary Gensler is coming into clean the mess: Check

v) Banks and Hedge funds are scrambling to get their finances in check to prepare for the financial firestorm: Check

vi) The average person believes everything is fine: Check

vii) Nobody is selling either meme stock, and are in the process of doubling down (nobody sold their CDS's too, and doubled down on synthetic CDO's): Check ( ,

vi) Institutions are starting to view these stocks as insurance and are buying in: Check.


As shown, most factors for a market change are here. Now let’s expand on how the GME squeeze before the halts, and its relation to the current situation with dark pools, similarly to when prices of the mortgage bond prices were increasing when the underlying mortgages were failing; it was artificial, like the trading halts. As such here are some screenshots, during the halts: 



As shown without halts GME would've jumped to 10k the next day, immediately forcing the shorts to cover. Since the halts happened, a combo of synthetic shorting and dark pools were used to tank the price, however, apes bought and held, so here we are.

Furthermore, if you check the margin requirements for meme stocks: 




They’re up to 300% from the usual 100%, which means it's really hard to borrow, meaning inevitably they will squeeze. Combine this with the dark pools as elaborated, and the financial illegalities that have been proven in this article, you can start to comprehend the magnitude of their financial war crimes. 

Addressing the intention of institutions going long; I'll be honest, I think they're planning to wipe out their competition completely like in 2008, last time Lehman Brothers, Bear Stearns, Merrill Lynch, etc. went down; this time Citadel and other market makers, while institutions that go long on these meme stocks will simply take their wiped-out competitions market share and place. Finally, let us address the final point of this section; remember that question, what if TD is not the dark pool? well; based on these 2 sources: 


ii) (NMS Tier 2, January 25th moving forward (when it started)

In my speculative opinion, the TD dark pools is guaranteed not to be the only dark pool. If all dark pools that involve AMC have a synthetic share count of 4.6 bill or higher, or even the 2 bill that Citadel holds, you could see how this could blow to Olympus Mons ( really really fast, and how screwed the shorts would be; hence the FUD.


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